Benefits Revolution by Glenn Fisher book

The blueprint for better healthcare begins with data.

There’s no shortage of strategies and solutions available to benefit advisors.
The challenge is in understanding the options and choosing the right partners.



Schedule a FREE one-hour growth strategy session with Glenn’s team at NavMD. They will equip NextGen Advisors like you with tools, strategies, and solutions to help you win more business, keep their business, and start dominating the market.

Benefits Revolution reveals specific solutions, strategies, and approaches benefit advisors can leverage to bring more value to their employer-clients and grow their firms.

Armed with the right knowledge and tools cited in the book, advisors can analyze a company’s medical and pharmacy claims data to provide executives a comprehensive understanding of their company’s healthcare cost drivers and prime savings opportunities. These advisors will be able to position themselves to work with the c-suite and human resources to improve earnings and increase enterprise value.

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Discover how advisors are gaining insights from 5 years of medical, pharmacy and laboratory claims data for a plan for any size employer with just a census file. By understanding some of the leading cost drivers for a plan – top drugs, top medical conditions, high-cost claimants, and 12-month predicted costs – advisors can customize a roadmap to build a high-performance plan.

Let the Numbers Speak!

For more than 30 years I’ve had the privilege to lead some amazing companies – privately-held, publicly traded, union, non-union, dozens of employees, thousands of employees, millions in revenue, billions in revenue – in a variety of market segments ranging from Waste Management to FinTech.

My story and perception of health benefits are like many C-Suite executives: As health expenditures rise it can negatively impact both corporate and employee compensation.

As benefit costs increase employers are forced to consider plan adjustments, increase employee contribution, and decide how big of a hit the company can absorb to their bottom line and remain competitive in the market – leading many C-Suite executives to think health benefits are broken, impossible to fix, and are an uncontrollable expense.

Over the past few years, I have interviewed some of the most innovative people in the healthcare space. What I learned is that health benefits aren’t broken – they’re simply working the way the system was designed. The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. The strategies and solutions to provide a high-performance health plan for employer-sponsored plans already exist.

The blueprint for fixing health benefits starts with data!

risk management roadmap

RIsk Management Roadmap
Glenn Fisher

About Glenn

Glenn Fisher is the CEO of healthcare analytics and solutions company NavMD.

Creating businesses that deliver solutions for over 35 years, Glenn has built a reputation as a problem-solver and forward-thinker, pioneering solutions in industries including waste management, alternative lending, technology, business process management, third-party logistics, healthcare, and employee benefits. He is passionate about making a difference in the world – committed to driving impactful change through technology and innovation.

He built one of the largest servicing platforms in the fintech space processing a transaction every three-tenths of a second with annual revenues of more than $2 billion. After investing in the emerging alternative lending market, he seized an opportunity to disrupt the technology-driven benefit analytics space.

Challenged by the frustration of buying employee benefits, he acquired NavMD. His mission is to partner with the most innovative people in America to fix employee benefits one plan at a time.

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Benefits Revolution by Glenn Fisher