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Upgrade to the full power of AVISO.

Upgrading from AVISO Essentials to the full version of AVISO grants you access to best-in-class dashboards and customized insights built into a single platform. Access to complete data powered by AI provides you the capability to identify members at high risk, and coordinate with them to develop a plan of action. Once you’ve experienced the full power of AVISO, you’ll never go back.

Book a demo and learn more today.

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Access to AVISO’s full capabilities is the tool brokers need to dig deeper into the member detail in order to provide better health, better value and better care.

Your current AVISO access

AVISO Essentials

Cost by Demographics, Age & Relationship

Medical and Pharmacy Paid Claims

HIgh-Cost Claimants

Top Conditions & Lifestyles Conditions

Top Mental Health

Top Providers, Pharmacy & Place of Service

Medical and Pharmacy Utilization

Fraud and Abuse Executive Summary

Executive Dashboard

  • Health Segmentation
  • Medical Conditions by Total Paid
  • Emerging Risk of the Population(s)
  • Plan Cost vs. Budget

Dashboard Analytics

  • Population Summary View
  • Population Risk View & Benchmarking
  • Medical View & Benchmarking
  • Pharmacy View & Benchmarking
  • Utilization View & Benchmarking


  • Standard Group Experience Deck
  • Standard Card and Alert Catalog
  • Custom Visualizers with 100+ Templates
  • Data Table Access
  • Report Automation and Delivery

Medicare Benchmarking

Advocate Care Management

NavMD Marketplace

  • Prospective Savings Analysis (PSA) by Strategy
  • Access to Vetted Point Solution Venue

FInancial Reporting

RFP and Marketing Automation


Cost by Demographics, Age & Relationship

Medical and Pharmacy Paid Claims

HIgh-Cost Claimants

Top Conditions & Lifestyles Conditions

Top Mental Health

Top Providers, Pharmacy & Place of Service

Medical and Pharmacy Utilization

Fraud and Abuse Executive Summary

Executive Dashboard

  • Health Segmentation
  • Medical Conditions by Total Paid
  • Emerging Risk of the Population(s)
  • Plan Cost vs. Budget

Dashboard Analytics

  • Population Summary View
  • Population Risk View & Benchmarking
  • Medical View & Benchmarking
  • Pharmacy View & Benchmarking
  • Utilization View & Benchmarking


  • Standard Group Experience Deck
  • Standard Card and Alert Catalog
  • Custom Visualizers with 100+ Templates
  • Data Table Access
  • Report Automation and Delivery

Medicare Benchmarking

Advocate Care Management

NavMD Marketplace

  • Prospective Savings Analysis (PSA) by Strategy
  • Access to Vetted Point Solution Venue

FInancial Reporting

RFP and Marketing Automation

Book an AVISO Upgrade Demo

Let's talk upgrade.

Unlock the full power of AVISO and get access to the tools to stand out from the competition.

Get best-in-class dashboards, advanced analytics, custom visualizers, report automation, Medicare benchmarking, and so much more with a simple upgrade. Fill out this form and we’ll show you how to use AVISO to take your business to the next level.


Take Your Population Health Management to the Next Level

Actionable analytics are only actionable if you’re using the data to solve the problem at hand. The AVISO platform gives Benefit Advisors and Employers everything they need in one place.

PowerNav dashboard